Meet the team

Our team has evolved in a variety of ways over 2019-2020 and we are in the process of recruiting some new members! Check back soon for some exciting updates 🙂

We finally have a full group! Pictured together at our launch event at the Royal Society of Edinburgh on the 21st of June 2019.

eBase team, June 2019, Royal Society of Edinburgh
L-R: Katie Nicoll Baines, Emily Porth, Dave Robertson, Sara Shinton, Karen Halliday, Karen Salt, Polly Arnold, Sam Keyes, Job Thijssen

The first meeting of the eBase team took place on the 28th of January 2019, the same day as we interviewed for our Edinburgh-based research fellow.

eBase team, January 2019, School of Chemistry, University of Edinburgh
L-R: Katie Nicoll Baines, Karen Salt, Sara Shinton, Polly Arnold, Karen Halliday, Job Thijssen